a bit about me:
Board member of the Nordic Marine Think Tank (see www.nmtt.org) and the International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry WSI (see www.womeninseafood.org). NMTT ensures that the public and global discussion on marine, fisheries, aquaculture and environmental issues takes account of all relevant scientific and best available factual information. The WSI aspires a seafood industry free of gender inequalities, free of sexism and gender based discriminations, where men and women enjoy equal opportunities to build a truly sustainable industry where the environmental, economic and social dimensions are equally taken into account.
Wide range of participation in negotiations accross a range of organisations including OECD, FAO, WTO and regional fisheries management bodies. Written numerous policy and position briefings and analytical papers. Worked on all aspects of fisheries management and policy, science, marketing, market policies and finance related to fisheries. Expert to the ICTSD E15-Initiative on Fisheries and Oceans. Member of the External Expert Advisory Committee of the EU H2020 project SUCCESS.